Dr Lan Do
Portfolio Manager
Dr Lan Do is a Portfolio Manager at Fortlake with responsibility for day-to-day trading activities, portfolio analysis, portfolio optimisation, and performance reporting. Lan’s responsibilities also incorporate the development of credit risk rating models and term structure models at Fortlake.
Dr Do was most recently an academic scholar at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) where her research and lecturing specialisation was on the topic of Capital Structures in Corporate Finance. Her lecturing career extended across Banking Capital, Financial Markets and Financial Econometrics.
Prior to this Dr Do was the Financials Analyst at Vietnamese Investment Group (VIG) and has also been founding partner in a variety of Fintech start-up companies.
Dr Do was awarded the University Medal at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) for her work in the field of Finance and was awarded the KPMG scholarship award for all round academic excellence.