Fortlake has developed a unique suite of absolute return funds focused on the global credit and fixed income markets. Each fund targets a minimum return threshold with predefined risk objectives.

Fortlake Real-Income Fund (Managed Fund)


Return objective: Targets a minimum return of 2.5%-3.5% above the current RBA cash rate.

The fund exploits a variety of return sources to deliver an absolute return through the cycle with tightly managed risk. It seeks to protect investors against inflation risk by using specialised techniques which enable the hedging of inflation. The fund also utilises the skill set of the manager, Fortlake, to run overlay, arbitrage and short term credit strategies.

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Fortlake Sigma Opportunities Fund


Return objective: Targets a minimum return of 7%-10% above the current RBA cash rate.

The fund seeks the most compelling risk-adjusted return opportunities within global fixed income markets. The primary focus is to seek out market distortions, dislocations and distressed opportunities within the higher returning parts of the capital structure. Strict risk controls aim to provide strong capital protection.

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Fortlake Real-Higher Income Fund


Return objective: Targets a return of 4-5% above the current RBA cash rate.

The fund provides diversified exposure to a variety of return sources to deliver consistent returns above cash. It seeks to protect investors against inflation risk by using specialised techniques which enable the hedging of inflation. The fund also utilises the skill set of the manager, Fortlake, to run overlay, arbitrage and longer/short term credit opportunities to deliver higher income in real terms.

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