Investors may use the following forms to instruct changes to their account(s) or open new ones. Written requests should be signed by an authorised signatory as nominated on the application form. You can complete these forms on your computer before printing them. Please see below for instructions on where to send your forms.


New application form – Fortlake Real Income and Real-Higher Income Funds
New application form – Fortlake Sigma Opportunities Fund
Additional application form
Address & contact details change form
Bank details change form
Distribution election change form
Signatory change form
Holdings transfer form
Wholesale investor certificate
Withdrawal form


Fortlake Real Income Fund (Managed Fund) TMD
Fortlake Real-Higher Income Fund TMD

Sending Your Forms

Mail the completed form to:

Colonial First State
Reply Paid 27
Sydney NSW 2001

or submit via the secure online system (e-Post) with FirstNet Investor at